GDPR-Flying Start updates

By opting into this list you're choosing to receive email updates from Flying Start Luton.

We'll send you updates by email periodically based on which of these you select:

Workforce training updates
Information about Flying Start training courses available in Luton

Parenting programmes
Information about parenting services and courses available in Luton

Flying Start newsletter
Latest news, events and updates from the Flying Start service

Early Outcomes
Latest news about the Talking Takes Off project with the Early Outcomes Fund from DfE

To be clear, we'll only ever use your email address for sending updates of this type. We'd never sell or use your data for any other purpose. Our privacy statement clearly states that we follow the rules around the handling and use of your personal data.

If you have any concerns over your data, please contact:

Business Intelligence Unit
Telephone: 01582 546398
* indicates required

Flying Start will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch with you and to provide updates and marketing. Please let us know all the ways you would like to hear from us:

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